1,866,966 airframes (at Jun 2019) covering both civil & military types worldwide. 99.9% of all current mainstream types are already covered from Airliners, BizJets, BizProps to Microlights, Gliders & Balloons and from Heavy Transports, Fighters & Bombers to Light Trainers.
Privately run Email group lists membership and website gives you a simple and convenient way to keep your information up to date by downloading updates as and when you want. It also acts as a useful 'help desk' for related comments and queries and suggestions.
20 researchers / support staff We have a team adding new types and keeping the information up to data and accurate. The database also has the facility for you to add new frames to existing types for yourself.
Search routines based on construction number, registrations (current, previous, requested or reserved), aircraft name, fleet number, Selcal plus unit and aircraft code, with highlighted fields that can be clicked on to link to further information.
Information fields Type Name, Construction number, Line number, Current registration and date, Operator, Owner, Base, Operating unit, Aircraft code, Other marks, Aircraft fleet name, Fleet number, Selcal code, Requested registration & date, Reserved registration & date, Roll-out date, First Flight, Delivery date, Previous registration, Country, Date registered, Date cancelled, Airframe notes and Disposal information.
Country registers (civil or military) can be produced and a list of operators or base combinations can also be selected and printed.
Itinerary planning flexibility of the database allows you to plan your trips by compiling a list of different bases within the regions or counties etc. of a particular country and includes fields for if the airframe has already been seen or for logging up against a frame.
UK Air Map showing the airways and their frequencies, offer another way of planning your itinerary by giving an option to compile and print a list of airfield residents through clicking on a particular airfield location. Airfield Information brief details of the airfield, 3 & 4 Letter Codes, secondary names, latitude/longitude location, runway headings and a list of frequencies used by that airfield. There is also a Frequencies Search facility that brings up all users of that particular frequency.
Outstanding records file holds your logging for the rare occasion when a type or registration is not yet on the system. Once an airframe is received via the updating system your logging will automatically be transferred from this file into the database.
Photographic facility offers a totally new way to add and display your digital photos by opening them through the database. By linking directly to the pictures on your hard drive, CD, zip drive or across networks, you can instantly display any picture from your catalogue that you have pathed to the database. There is no limit to the number of photos that can be added against each record and because the pictures are accessed from media outside of the database it avoids the database becoming too big. The photographic section can also be used to catalogue your slides and prints. In the aircraft details screen a camera symbol will appear indicating that you have at least one slide/picture or print catalogued against that entry. Your digital pictures and records can be displayed directly from this screen or through the Photographic Records option on the main menu.
Auto Logging enables you to log up a single trip in one go simply by listing all the registrations seen. A new facility allows you to log more than one date and place at a time! Any aircraft not found will go into the Outstanding aircraft file.
Editable log book another facility which gives you the opportunity to keep your log book accurate and tidy by being able to make alterations to your entries.
Flight Logbook has the following fields to record details of flights you have made:-:Registration, sift type (linked to main database), flight number, departure airport, time (Zulu and local) and date plus arrival airport time (Zulu and local) and date. Your flight duration is automatically calculated for you!
Airshow Dates shows a list of this year's airshows, their venues and dates, plus brief notes. Any air shows that are taking place within the next fortnight are automatically displayed in a box on the main menu.
Country Flags displays country flags for the whole world. Clicking on the flags gives maps of the country, order of battle and some political details.
If you decide not to renew your membership after the first year you will no longer receive the updates and your membership of the group will cease. The database will, however, continue to function and you will still be able to add new airframes and continue with your logging.
The minimum system requirements are a PC sufficiently powerful to run with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7/8/10 and has 3 Gb free disk space making Aerodata the only aviation database compatible with all versions of Microsoft Windows from Win98 onwards to the recently released Windows 10 (all editions).
No other software is required to run any Aerodata products, unlike other aviation database products, that require a seperate installation of Microsoft Access. Aerodata supply a runtime version of Access 2000 as part of the package so that the program can be run as an independant stand alone set-up.
Please note though, that having later versions of Microsoft Access (generally Access 2007/2010) installed on the PC you intend to run Aerodata on, can cause the runtime version we supply to function incorrectly, we therefore recommend you contact us by telephone for further information regarding this prior to ordering.
Telephone Technical support is available weekdays and occasionally at weekends 9:30 am to 4:30 pm on 0161-282-5518 also via email. For further details, or if you want to call in for a demo, contact Andy Walker (near to Manchester Airport) To Contact Andy, phone 0161-282-5518 or email him at awalk7253@virginmedia.com
Please note that all standing order arrangement?s allowed by Aerodata Software Ltd are given in good faith that the monthly payments are continual and amount to at least the original cost of the database (ie ?150 or discounted price of ?135*)
They are issued only as an alternative to paying one lump sum at the start of using the database after paying a deposit (ie ?50 or discounted price of ?35*)
Failure to keep to this agreement will result in the balance of any outstanding monies being taken from the card account details used as the deposit.
Aerodata will not accept CDs returned after the database has been installed on any PC. As with any other software in the marketplace no refunds are given once the software is installed and after a password has been issued.
The database remains the property of Aerodata Software Ltd until all monies are paid in full and Aerodata Software Ltd will seek to collect all outstanding amounts up to the original agreed value (ie ?150 or discounted price of ?135*) (*Discounted prices to recognised societies)