Even when your name is displayed above the menu to the right, we have had reports of problems in accessing our updates areas. To correct this problem, first trying re-loading or refreshing the page but if that fails the next step would be to clear the cache.
To speed up access to pages you visit, your browser often keeps a copy of the page previously seen. When you re-visit a page that your browser has a copy of, it will be loaded from the local copy, therefore making the page display much faster. Your browser keeps copies of pages that you visit in a cache.
To clear this cache, here are instructions for several popular browser vendors and versions.
Internet Explorer (Version 3.x)
Select "View | Options..." from the menu
Change to the "Advanced" tab
Click on the "Settings" button
Click on "Empty Folder..."
Internet Explorer (Version 4.x)
Select "View | Internet Options..." from the menu
Change to the "General" tab
Click on the "Delete Files" button
Internet Explorer (Version 5.x and 6.x)
Select "Tools | Internet Options..." from the menu
Change to the "General" tab
Click on the "Delete Files" button
Mozilla Firefox (All versions)
Select "Tools | Options..." from the menu
Change to the "Privacy" page
Click the "Clear" button next to the word "Cache"
Netscape Navigator (Version 3.x)
Select "Options | Network Preferences..." from the menu